

I miss Katsudon a lot,,,

Hi This is Sakura!

How are you??


I still have been staing at my place. It's almost 3weeks,,,


And now, I miss a lot of delicious food from restaurant or cafe.

So I tried to make KATSUDON I love the most among all food.


KATSUDON is a bowl of rice with a topping of deep-fried pord, eggs and onions.

(Some people add green onions or mashrooms too)


I used to eat this before I played in a tounament because "KATSU" means meat or win in Japanese. So my mother ofen made KATSUDON to bring me a good luck!


Since then, KATSUDON became my favorite food.


But it takes time and effort to make KATSUDON because there are a lot of processes.

So I had never even chalenged before but now I have so many times! 


Actually I could made KATSUDON more than I expected.

But still not even close to professional taste.


So I keep trying to make perfect KATSUDON as much as I have time!!


Thank you for reading!!